The mission and goals of the 100 Men Who Cook, Inc., supporting the education and development of youth, are realized through the provision of assisting grassroots organizations making a positive impact on youth in the community.

The organizations funded by the 100 Men Who Cook, Inc. , offer alternatives to those with limited opportunities that may not qualify for any other community based assistance programs. While our model is to select three (3) organizations as our primary beneficiaries to receive funding for a three-year period, we also support the efforts of various organizations throughout the year. The amount of funding is based on the level raised during each calendar year.

Congratulations to the 2024 Beneficiary Winners.

10For10’s mission is to heal and build the community one connection at a time. Their vision of cultivating generational change while providing educational programming and authentic engagement with community partners underscores their commitment to lasting positive impact. 

10For10’s programming fosters a sense of unity and camaraderie among Black men, providing a platform for dialogue, support, and growth. They engage in insightful discussions led by influential speakers, interactive workshops, and networking opportunities, addressing societal challenges and celebrating achievements. 10For10 highlights the resilience and strength of Black men. At  10For10, there is a deep commitment to fostering a strong and healthy community, as evidenced by their organizational pillars—community, education, and service—which reflect a dedication to creating lasting positive change.

Ktone Cares Foundation’s mission is to value and respect all community members while empowering BIPOC children from marginalized populations to use their voices for advocacy. They create opportunities for youth to become socially and civically engaged, helping them see themselves as part of the solution. By building culturally relevant bridges and raising awareness of accessible resources, they support the development of youth and their communities. 

The Ktone Cares Foundation has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to supporting underprivileged youth through various initiatives focused on education, mentorship, and personal development. They have a significant positive impact by addressing social determinants of health, education equity, and health equity, as well as tackling youth mental health. Their  community resource events provide scholarships through annual book awards, a statewide FASFA  fair, and music therapy programs that support youth and their mental health through music. The  foundation’s holistic approach ensures that the youth they serve are supported in all aspects of  their lives, from academic and career guidance to emotional and social well-being.


Opening Act’s mission is to use theatre arts to promote and enhance young Black women's creative talents and positive development. They envision successful, poised, and skilled women empowered to create change in themselves, their community, and their world. They aim to instill confidence and develop personal and professional leadership qualities in young Black women between the ages of 6 and 17.  

Opening Act creates programs tailored to experiences that reflect the lives and identities of girls of color. They plan exceptional learning opportunities that will elevate the artistic skills of participating young ladies and their confidence in their abilities in speech, self-perception, and how they carry themselves. They offer mentorship, guidance, and opportunities for personal and professional growth that leave a lasting impression. Using theatre to empower young girls of color, Opening Act helps girls build self-esteem, develop leadership skills, and realize their full potential.  

Opening Act Theatre was founded in 2016 by Public Relations Consultant Sylvia Cordy and eight  Black professional women in Denver. They believe investing in the development of black women is essential for creating a more equitable and inclusive society.

Since 2013 the 100 Men Who Cook, Inc. has contributed over $100,000 to our community.  

The following organizations in the Denver Metropolitan area received contributions:

  • 10 for 10

  • Angel’s Cove

  • Athletics and Beyond

  • Black American West Museum

  • Boys Day

  • Churches Usher Union of Colorado

  • Colorado Beautillion/Cotillion

  • Colorado Black Arts Festival

  • Colorado Black Women for Political Action

  • Colorado Starlites Drum and Drill Team

  • Denver Urban Spectrum Youth Foundation

  • Five Points Jazz Fest

  • Jazz C.A.F.E. Cultivating A Future of Excellence

  • Hope Center

  • Mount Region Black Economic Summit

  • Sack Lunch on Us Project

  • Sims-Fayola

  • Struggle of Love Foundation

  • The Retired Enlisted Association